1Click Uninstaller

1Click Uninstaller is a free tool for uninstalling programs quickly and completely.

Key Features:

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1Click Uninstaller

1Click Uninstaller is a small, but smart solution that facilitates the uninstall process and eliminates the need for a standard time-taking way to remove software.

Now you can forget about opening Start Menu or My Computer, then launching the Programs and Features applet, and searching for a program name in a long list of all installed programs.

With 1Click Uninstaller, you have two easy ways to quickly uninstall a program:

After that, the uninstall process will begin automatically.

context menu uninstaller

When a built-in uninstaller of the program finishes its work, 1Click Uninstaller will check all program's leftovers, such as registry keys, folders, files and shortcuts. If nothing is found, 1Click Uninstaller reports a succesfull uninstallation, otherwise you can easily remove leftovers.

delete leftovers

What is more, 1 Click Uninstaller has a unique feature - Remove Program Without Built-in Uninstaller! Some programs distributed without uninstallers, but they may create registry entries and files. 1Click Uninstallr can detect it and delete.

Also, 1Click Uninstaller allows you to close / terminate any processe.

1Click Uninstaller is a smart solution for those who want to save their time, from home users to IT specialists!

System Requirement

OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11

32MB RAM, 50MB Free Hard Disk Space

Portable Version

Portable version of 1Click Uninstaller can be found in the installation directory of the program, by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\1Click Uninstaller

File name: 1clickun-portable.exe

Portable version of 1Click Uninstaller doesn't require installation. It means that you can save that file on a removable device, like a USB flash drive, and run it directly on any computer. Windows Registry is not modified and no additional files of 1CU are created.

What's New

1Click Uninstaller 3.0 - 14 June 2019